漫步 外澳 海灘/烏石港 衝浪 宜蘭-8 Walking Waiao Beach/Wushih Harbor Surfing Yilan

Описание к видео 漫步 外澳 海灘/烏石港 衝浪 宜蘭-8 Walking Waiao Beach/Wushih Harbor Surfing Yilan

天氣晴,與家人到宜蘭外澳海灘走走,平緩的波浪在沙灘上,彷彿是一面鏡子,印照的藍天人影。The weather was fine, and I walked with my family to Yilan Waiao Beach. The gentle waves on the beach were like a mirror, and the shadows of the blue sky were printed.


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