Moving together to build a healthier world: Advancing social participation in health at the 2024 WHA

Описание к видео Moving together to build a healthier world: Advancing social participation in health at the 2024 WHA

The briefing convened experts in public health and community empowerment for an exchange of best practices and learnings from SPH efforts-to-date, with a view to developing action-oriented recommendations and consensus for collective action ahead of the proposed WHA resolution. It underscored the importance and relevance of SPH while also informing the public, communities, and civil society on opportunities to influence ongoing negotiations on the resolution, and how to get involved and support it this year and beyond.

Event objectives:
- Mobilise civil society to build political support for a WHA resolution on social participation in the decision-making process for health in countries.
- Share updates on the WHO Executive Board and opportunities for civil society to get involved in the lead-up to the WHA.
- Inform civil society about global and country-specific experiences regarding social participation in decision-making related to health, including the scientific evidence, and discuss recommendations for further advancing both.


Dr Belgacem Sabri, Director of the Tunisian Association for Defense of the Right to Health

Devaki Nambiar, Program Director, Healthier Societies Strategy at the George Institute for Global Health India

Laura Philidor, Policy Advocacy and Communications Officer, Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM) and WACI Health

Lara Brearley, Consultant, World Health Organization (WHO)

Nanoot Mathurapote, Head of Global Collaboration Unit, National Health Commission Office, Thailand

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