Geoff Castellucci full vocal range! (C#0) A0-Bb5

Описание к видео Geoff Castellucci full vocal range! (C#0) A0-Bb5

Hey, sorry for the lack of uploads, I think unfortunately it’s gonna be less uploads from now on. I’ll still try to crank out videos if I can, but most likely I can’t due to external reasons. This video has actually been in the works for way longer than the last video. It started the night after posting the Marwan Ayman one I think. Anyway I apologize for the fake YouTube bars throughout the video, but I have to screen record the clips, so they have to stay there. Also if I cropped it it would look insanely stupid. (I’ve tried, trust me) Thank you for watching, and I’ll be taking requests into consideration. (If I don’t get around to it it’s just because I don’t have enough info on the person and I’m too lazy to spend hours getting to know them) anyway I hope you understand, and enjoy the video! Also on the off chance you read this far, say “penguin” in the comments to claim your prize of reading way too much


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