The Path of Atma Vichara or Self-Enquiry (No. 48) | Sri Ramana Maharshi | Unnikrishnan Balakrishnan

Описание к видео The Path of Atma Vichara or Self-Enquiry (No. 48) | Sri Ramana Maharshi | Unnikrishnan Balakrishnan

This is a LIVE recording of the 48th online session of the Journey Within, focusing on the practice of Atma Vichara, or Self-Enquiry, based on the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

The session was held online on 15 October 2024.

To join the Journey Within LIVE sessions or the Retreat, please send a WhatsApp message to +919446441105 (only messaging please).


About the Presenter:

CA. Unnikrishnan Balakrishnan is a Chartered Accountant turned Spiritual seeker based at Academy for Personal Excellence, India.

AcademyPX offers a range of services including daily morning meditations, NLP & Mind Power Training, and Law of Attraction courses, all of which are available online.

Furthermore, Unnikrishnan regularly hosts "The Journey Within," a 2-day residential retreat focused on teachings and practices rooted in non-dual understanding, aimed at self-realization. Drawing from the wisdom of ancient Indian masters, this retreat offers a unique and illuminating path for people from all walks of life who are interested in spirituality.
Music Track:

Meditation Impromptu 03 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


#selfenquiry #thejourneywithin #unnikrishnanbalakrishnan


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