Phantom Fury - 16 Chicago Under Fire - No Commentary Gameplay

Описание к видео Phantom Fury - 16 Chicago Under Fire - No Commentary Gameplay

No commentary playthrough of the initial release of Phantom Fury. Normal difficulty, max settings, 4K.

Phantom Fury is a Side-quel of Ion Fury, developed by Slipgate Ironworks and published by 3D Realms (please take note that Ion Fury was developed by Voidpoint). We play again as Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison, waking up from a coma after a bomb defusal went terribly wrong, and immediately rushing to save the world with little info.

Sorry if I took me a few days to write my usual mini review, but after all the ruckus, I wanted to play the game until the end before saying anything. And now that I finished it I can safely say that yes, this game is not good, nowhere near Half-Life like... and it's also not a dumpster fire like Blood 2 like I've read somewhere. It tries to be a Half-Life-2-ish-like, but doesn't get quite there. We are left with something that is more like a Half-like from the late 00s... A game which does know what it wants to do, but lacks the proper direction to achieve it. With the added buttload of jank of a Slipgate Ironworks jank, of course.

Don't get me wrong, it has good things:
- It has improved from the terrible demo we got last year
- It looks good
- Levels are well designed, the ones that feel finished at least
- It runs fine. Solid 60fps all the way through for me. There are frame drops in this recording, but the game was running fine on my end, so it's an OBS thing
- No #stutterstruggle despite being an UE4 game
- Hasn't crashed a single time during the 15 hours I spent on it on my two playthroughs

But the good stuff is overshadowed with the bad:
- The game starts up giving not an awful impression at all. But the game becomes less and less polished the more you advance. The game was rushed out of the door as-is
- There are levels which seriously believe haven't been tested before publishing the release build, with obvious bugs which trigger every single time, without doing strange stuff.
- The combat is bland and repetitive
- The AI is awfully bad
- Some levels don't have proper signposting, which can get you lost for 10+ minutes (which I did, many times)
- Later encounters are extremely repetitive
- Physics are very janky, and there are a few physics puzzles
- Sound mixing is bad, music is always too low, and overall volume is low
- Checkpoint autosaves will drop you in a combat situation more than once
- Some levels and sections feel awfully quiet, lacking a lot of ambient sound

All in all... I didn't have a "terrible" time playing this, but by the final stretch of the game, with the lack of polish, lots of little details that kept adding and the dullness of the gameplay... I was wishing for it to end. And keep in mind that it is a 8hour game (5h on my second one), it is not a long game by any means. A lot of the stuff can be fixed, but there is also a lot of stuff that needs to go back to the drawing board to get it right, and given the support that 3DR/SI has given to previous releases, I wouldn't expect that to happen except fixing the the most prominent issues. Wait for a discount, in my opinion, it's not worth the asking price for a game that should've been released as early access in this state.
Playthrough sin comentar de Phantom Fury. Dificultad normal, ajustes al máximo.

Desafortunadamente, mi mini análisis de este juego que suelo poner en los comentarios es demasiado larga como para poner en ambos idiomas, solamente me cabría la tercera parte de la misma en español, así que voy a saltar a las conclusiones.

No lo he pasado "mal" jugando esto, pero en la parte final del juego, con la falta de pulido y lo soso del gameplay... estaba deseando que terminase. Y tener en cuenta de que un juego de 8 horas (5 en mi segundo playthrough), no es un juego largo en absoluto. Muchas de estas cosas se podrán arreglar, pero hay otras muchas que requerírian volver a la fase de planificación para hacerlas bien, y dado el historial del soporte que 3DR/SI suele dar a sus juegos, solamente esperaría que arreglasen los bugs más gordos. Esperad por un descuento, en mi opinión no merece la pena el precio que piden por un juego que debería haber sido lanzado en acceso anticipado dado su estado actual.

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