Happy MFF 9th ANNIV! Hell of a gift! Free Coupon, Crystals, Discounts, and Sentry..? 2024/04/30 MFF

Описание к видео Happy MFF 9th ANNIV! Hell of a gift! Free Coupon, Crystals, Discounts, and Sentry..? 2024/04/30 MFF

Just received, around 1,200 crystals..?! 1,500...?! wow... Plus from Free Coupon!😎💎💎🚿

Don't forget to craft to get books..

A Free Card.. Well, useful for comeback players, free to play, or new players...

Check out the Shield Archive...Free Premium Character.. That time you can get Luna, Gambit, Valkyrie, Thane, GhostPhanter (am I sayin it right..?), Dazzler... Any character suits you - I'd pick Luna everyday if I didn't have her.

I think I suddenly get a free CTP on Dimension Mission.. 🤔After so long......

Don't let go of the Event Quest this time.. I think they give us some amount of useful mats.

And also some nice packages.. For someone, who like to or has been aiming some materials, there are available now.. just choose carefully, because the event is going to last around two weeks...? more or less.
Don't let your impulse conquer you...😄

And for low spenders.. Also welcome to the game.. (flooded w/ free gifts ....😎)

But.. Where is Sentry...?🤔
Next Update...?

I'm still waiting for them giving us Sentry.😄 Just still in curious, and also whether they'll give us better deal on Native Tier III, including his uni, 50% off uni available as of now..

Let's party!✌️

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