Module 2: How New System will Impact All types of HEIs (Accredited and Non Accredited)

Описание к видео Module 2: How New System will Impact All types of HEIs (Accredited and Non Accredited)

Foundation Course on New NAAC Accreditation System
1. Module 1: Introduction to RAF v/s BAF and MBGL:
2. Module 2: How New System will Impact All types of HEIs (Accredited and Non Accredited)
3. Module 3: What is Binary System and Maturity Based Graded Levels?
4. Module 4: What are New 10 Attributes? (Previously known as criteria)
5. Module 5: Foundation orientation to Input Based Attributes (Attribute 1,2,3 and 4)
a. Module 5a: Attribute 1: Curriculum:
b. Module 5b: Attribute 2: Faculty Resources:
c. Module 5c: Attribute 3: Infrastructure:
d. Module 5d: Attribute 4: Financial Resources and Management:
6. Module 6:Foundation orientation to Process Based Attributes (Attributes 5,6 and 7)
a. Module 6a: Attribute 5: Learning and Teaching
b. Module 6b: Attribute 6: Extended Curricular Engagements
c. Module 6c: Attribute 7: Governance and Administration
7. Module 7:Foundation orientation to Outcome Based Attributes
a. Module 7a: Attribute 8: Student Outcomes
b. Module 7b: Attribute 9: Research and Innovation Outcomes
c. Module 7c: Attribute 10: Sustainability Outcomes & Green Initiatives
8. Module 8: Colleges Need to Focus on these 11 points in New NAAC Accreditation System
9. Module 9: How to Start Preparation for New NAAC Accreditation System (NAAC Binary Accreditation System)
11 Point Action Plan for Immediate Implementation You may Join WhatsApp Group to Learn More


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