My Custom Sonic from Concept Sonics

Описание к видео My Custom Sonic from Concept Sonics

I would have uploaded this video an hour ago but, let me tell you, I have never received a sonic screwdriver, or prop replica for that matter, as well packaged as this one. A duct tape armored heavy carboard tube with stapled in place plastic end caps and lined with Styrofoam around a paper towel wrapped sonic screwdriver with the batteries in s separate ziplock. A lot of care went into the packaging and shipping of this piece which prepared me for the amount of care and forethought that went into the piece itself!


Let me say that again: WOW!!!

I've collected from a lot of pros and a lot of up and coming artisans over the decades but this is a rare surprise. The design, machining, paint and electronics work, the customer service and willingness to make the individual piece exactly what the client wants...all strong positives with the man behind concept sonics. Exceptional in all categories.

You can find Concept Sonics right here on YouTube on his own channel showing off his new work often!

This particular work of his is part of my own personal collection and not for sale but you can reach out to him and get one made for yourself. Enjoy!


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