The Best Southern Fried Corn Ever

Описание к видео The Best Southern Fried Corn Ever

My mother taught me how to make this good ole southern fried corn that her mom had taught her to make. This corn is fried with butter and bacon grease plus the milk from the kernels gives it a creamy texture. Once you make this fried corn the way I make it you will definitely keep this recipe as your favorite go to!
10 ears of fresh corn (shucked, washed, and cut from the cob)
3 Tbsp. flour (I used all-purpose)
3 tsp. sugar
1\2 tsp. salt
1\4 tsp. pepper
4 Tbsp. butter
Bacon grease
Shuck corn, pull of husk, and silks. Wash your corn and tap dry with a paper towel. In a large bowl, cut the corn from the cob with a sharp knife. When you begin to cut the kernels of the corn, cut only a small amount from the top of the kernels and not cutting the whole kernel from the cob. You want to leave more of the kernel in the cob so when you scrape the rest of the kernels from the cob it will have what my mom call the milk. (You can watch the video).
Scrap up and down the cob with a knife to get the milk. Once you have finished scraping all the corn off the cob you can add your ingredients.
Add the flour, sugar, salt and pepper to your scraped corn. Mix well.
In a large skillet with heat on medium, cook your bacon. Set the bacon aside and leave the bacon grease in the skillet. Now add the butter, Pour your prepared corn into the hot skillet. Allow the corn to cook for about one minute. If you had a big skillet as I did in the video make sure to turn your skillet around so that the corn can cook on that side as well. Be sure to watch your corn because it can get brown quick on the bottom and you do not want it to burn. After the corn have cooked for two minutes you can now move the corn around in the skillet. Adjust your heat to medium low. Make sure you are always checking the bottom of the corn. (You can watch the video). Cook about a total of 16 minutes depending on how much corn you are cooking. Enjoy!


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