Everyone Teaches You How to Live , I Do the Opposite

Описание к видео Everyone Teaches You How to Live , I Do the Opposite

#meditation #coaching #healing #lifecoach #peace #peaceofmind #healing #discourse #mindfulness

Everyone will teach you how to live.
But I just want to teach you how to die.
And I will tell you how. Like.
Very simple at the beginning. Short.
Because if you are.
One of those guys with a very short attention span and wants to just, like, jump in and find to the point of this video.
I will tell you first.
To die is.
Is to meditate, right? That's it.
That's that's the answer.
That's how I'm going to teach you to die.
I want to teach you how to meditate.
And now you can just piss off or just, like, close this video because you most probably can't handle the talk anyway.
But for the ones that they can really handle the talk and listen, God d**n it, listen right?
They can also become meditative.
Like, just sit there and just f*****g listen and don't make sense out of it.
Don't make sense anything out of it.
Just f*****g listen like that's what I want you.
I don't want you to make sense out of anything that I'm saying.
That's your meditation for the next.
Next whatever minutes that I'm going to talk, just listen as if you're listening to The Birds.
My voice is not so birdy or.
Very, very nice that you just can tune in, but.
It's not that hard as well. That's not.
It's not harsh. Anyways.
How to die.
Before how to die.
You need to know why to die, right?
Why I want to teach you to die. Why?
I don't want to teach you to live. Because. Because.
You're not even born.
You're not even born.
How can you live? You know.
You're not born. You are.
Just a result. Of.
Millions of conditionings, you know, programed this way.
You're nothing different than I.
For example, your program. Simply program.
So for you to be born again, I use the word again. Why?
Because you were born once.
But just because you did not have much control over your growth.
You have to be born once again. Why?
Because, as you can tell, as human beings. We need.
Our mother's care and our.
Father's care, our community's care to a certain level to get to a certain age. Right?
We can't just be born and live like so many other. Animals.
And why is that?
Why do you think is that?
It's because as human beings, we carry so much f*****g brain here that carries so much ability.
It needs to grow.
It means it can't grow that much inside your mother's womb.
It needs to grow outside as well.
It's not only your mother's womb that your brain fully functions.
No, you come out and then your brain starts again, expanding, growing until to a point that it doesn't f*****g need to grow anymore.
It doesn't need.
It has to start its function.
But through this process of conditioning in life.
You hardly f*****g wired your brain.
Your brain by itself is beautiful. It's nice. It's. Is awesome.
But then what did you do with it?
Brought mine to it, right?
And said, okay, here you go, brain.
I brought mind.
Let's f*****g deal with it.
I don't know.
You deal with it, right.
You want your brain to deal with everything you want.
Your brain keep you alive. Breathe. Heartbeats. I see. Touch.
I need to drink some water. Oh, yes.
What did I say? Yeah.
You bring mine to it.
And you f****d up your brain.
But it's not your fault, you know?
No one teaches you how to die.
You know, everyone wants to teaches you how to live.
Even the ones that they don't know how to live themselves, right? Just b******t. Just b******t. The stuff. Oh, yeah. Everything's good. Feel good. Love attraction. Oh. Come here.
You just sit silently, do nothing.
You become blissful.
That's just the trend, right? The trend.
Of a spirituality.
Oh my God.
I mean, they found the right source, but they just don't have the.
Right attitude, you know.
But it doesn't matter.
I don't give a s**t about them.
I give a s**t about you, right?
Yeah, well, I don't give a s**t about you either.
I mean, in in particular, I mean. Otherwise.
I love you, right?
Because you are me.
We are both the same, same consciousness, you know?
That's why I'm going to teach you how to die.
That's how you get to reborn again.
You have to come to this world again.
But this time.
The intact rewired fully.
You find those wires, the ones that they are attached to. Judgment.
Say, look, judgment.
You're so f*****g awesome.
You're you're you're brilliant with you.
I can judge so many things and I can go on survive enjoying my life.
But I think you just really f*****g with me right now.
You keep f*****g judging things.
Stop doing this nonsense. Right.
You unplug that wire, plug a new one.
You go on, you find that wire.
That live for others, not live for yourself.
You find that wire, that oh, you live for others all the time, man.
It's just so f*****g annoying.
You're so f*****g annoying.
The moment I want to do something.
You just say, wait a second.
What others would think about you?
It's f*****g with you, you know.
You unplug that one, you put a new one. It's like. Look. It's okay.
I care what others think about me.


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