Ancient Mesoamerica - Dr. Michael Whalen

Описание к видео Ancient Mesoamerica - Dr. Michael Whalen

Dr. Michael Whalen presents his lecture Ancient Mesoamerica: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs in the Gilcrease Auditorium at 3:00 tomorrow (Friday, February 26th). Michael Whalen received his Ph.D. in anthropology and archaeology from the University of Michi­gan . He currently is a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tulsa. Dr. Whalen’s program will outline the culture and history of some of the most influential people in prehistoric Mesoamerica, including:

(1) The Olmecs and the first complex society

(2) Teotihuacan and early urbanism

(3) The Classic Maya and tropical ceremonial centers

(4) Developments in western Mexico

(5) The Aztecs, the first empire of Mesoamerica.


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