How To: Make A Wig Look More Natural

Описание к видео How To: Make A Wig Look More Natural

Helllllo loves!!!! So many of you wanted to know more about this wig sooooo i searched all over the internet to find it and I swear it's the same one! So here I am to show you how I make my wigs look more natural! I hope more and more people get into wigs because honestly they are soooooo easy when you don't want to do your hair + plus you can have any color you want! Winning!

Link to wig --

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Tips for Making Synthetic Wigs:
Always add concealer to part to blend with natural skin tone
If part is undetectable use tweezers to pluck away hairs
If hair is too shiny use baby powder or dry shampoo to remove shine
Soaking hair in vinegar also will remove shine
Make sure your wig is heat safe, not all are.
Brush gently and frequentaly -- hair does tangle easily but also brushes out easily as well

The End.


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