Ignition Key Transponder Detector

Описание к видео Ignition Key Transponder Detector

Ignition Key Transponder Detector

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NOTE: Part are available from Jameco, Mouser & Digi-Key, with part numbers and details of construction available inside our publication (book & DVD) for this series.

Modern automotive anti-theft systems, use a coded ignition key to authorize the engine turn on. In most cases, another module or computer, such as the ECM, Body Control Module, or the Instrument Cluster Module, serves as the actual anti-theft module. The way the anti-theft systems works is through an ignition key transponder.

The ignition key transponder is embedded inside the back or plastic side of the ignition key. It is a non battery operated circuit. This circuit is powered by an induction coil, that generates a current in the key transponder coil itself, which powers the signal code generation circuit. The code is then received by the anti-theft module, and an OK command is then issued for engine start.

Now that we've given a brief overview of the circuit, we present here, the Ignition Key Transponder Detector.

Well, you might ask, why do we need this Gadget? The answer is simple, because it allows you do know if the key transponder itself is working, tells you if a new key is not a fake, and will even decode the passkey code, and show you as an oscilloscope waveform.

Here, is how the Ignition Key Transponder Detector works.

The Ignition Key Transponder Detector works in the ....Get the whole story right here in this video... Enjoy...


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