Walk In Mumbai - Bandra, Chapel Road / Christmas Decoration and Wall Graffiti | Mumbai, IN

Описание к видео Walk In Mumbai - Bandra, Chapel Road / Christmas Decoration and Wall Graffiti | Mumbai, IN

Bandra’s winding bylanes and streets are bubbling over with graffiti. Chapel Road, for one, is full of these subversive pieces. The piece pops up when least expected, providing the unsuspecting pedestrian with a happy surprise and infusing colour into a shabby, decrepit stretch of wall. The best part about this street is the numerous bylanes it gives birth to and each narrow lane has its fair share of graffiti. Some lanes are so narrow, it’s impossible to walk side-by-side a stranger without feeling awkward, but even in the slimmest of lanes, one is sure to find at least one whimsical wonder. That’s why it’s fun to walk through these lanes, for you never know what you’re going to spot around the next corner. For me, it was like walking through a maze, all the while keeping an eye out for a burst of color and thought in a desolate lane.

External Link : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandra


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