GC9A01A fast SPI library optimized for 16MHz AVR Arduino

Описание к видео GC9A01A fast SPI library optimized for 16MHz AVR Arduino

Fast SPI library for the GC9A01A round 1.28" 240x240 IPS display

Optimized for 16MHz AVR Arduino boards (much faster than other libraries)
Achieved over 7Mbps SPI transfer rate at DIV2/16MHz clock

Connections - only 4+2 wires are required:

01 VCC - VCC
02 GND - GND
03 SCL - D13/SCK
04 SDA - D11/MOSI
05 DC - D9 or any digital
06 CS - D10 or any digital
07 RST - optional

Arduino library code:

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