In 2001, Mullah Omar decreed the Buddah's to be False gods, and announced plans to destroy them.

Описание к видео In 2001, Mullah Omar decreed the Buddah's to be False gods, and announced plans to destroy them.

Maroon 5, originally; was told my grandfather was "Captain" of the Basketball team.
They used to say I was Forest Gump running after school and in my math class. And the track team would repeat everything I would say in a mocking-voice they said was mine..which wasn't, which another guy said was a voice he heard in his mind...that was an old man in a cave..with a cane he said was me..the year I said I was Afghan Iranian in a long rant the week after the Marines called a school with a Minuteman mascot, with the Ironworkers Poster in my room after asking a Parking Secretary why she made more than an Ironworker. That was my Curtain Call. I was an Oakland A's Fan
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Hanks Filmography

Terminal (With the Trumpet, Violin...and La-Voiece) Sully. Sleepless in Seattle. Da Vinci Code. Forest Hump

A Penny Medallion. And a Triple 777 Dollar General, ZZZ's. In a Pashtun Mataloona...I was once astronaught needs to get those

911 g/L the Density of Butter. The History of Butter. Siddartha the Gothama the Giants. Ah-Shoke-yah's Buddah Fingers. The Farsi Persian word for the Baseball Giants..."Goolah" in Goolag..or Gooleg (alternatively)..inversely Google, the Cyber-PO. The G-Mail Unit. The Food Pyramid. The Dollar Pyramid. The Slave Pyramids. The Olive Branch...the Olive Garden? The Presidential Seal. Enron for "Gone-Wrong." Bush as owner of the TX Rangers...before and after election...during his office as Gov. SOX. Over-Under 40 20-24. The White Sox. The Sarbanes Oxley...for Grab-Bull in my Building as the Real Aryan Shiva Godwin? Sarbanes for Sarbani..of the Serbian Afghani Tribes. Hezbollah with the Beepers..and "Open Borders." Black Berries...and American CEO's..Black Berry..the Farsi Persian word for "Tut" pronunced like "Tooting my horn" King Tut.."the money you can't take it with you"..the Fetty..the Fetty Wapp lyric..and the Mullah Omar and his Fatwa on the Buddah's he declared False Gods. Biryani...the Pashto Language word..for "Emergency." Margin-Call. The Island. Early 2000's films. As in margerine..not the real-Buddah. Sentenced to "American" Samoa. Researching Flag Desecration Laws..Id swing my rag at City Hall....and holding a sign with a Butter Stick Emblem..writ "911 Non-Believer?" My Pledge to the Olive Branch. My Defend Grease. My be a 49'er..overlooking 51..51'er Lincoln County. Penny Soda. PS Sullivan. Tom Thanks..the Movies Gump Da Vinci Saving Ryan in the Terminal as Carl Hand-Ratty. "Ted" Cousin-Sky. The "Hush"..come with me American (Uncle) Sam Owe'n. John in "John I want my Dough Back"..Dermtech CEO..American Navy SEAL, IRS Agent. In a Board Room..with Family Guy Peter Griffin and the National Association for the Advance of Fat People. He..who coaches the Couch Company..doesn't bench..yet the Indo-Pak approaches across the Border. La Jolla San Diego. Blown-Up. Sentenced to American (Uncle) Sam Owe'n. Costanza naming a baby.."7"..the classical text-book percent example..following Guidance from 6 months ago..4 score..1 year ago..$3.00. They must a game of Monopoly..or go to Jail..and not "Collect" $200 they let you out with for the bus-ticket like Boogie2988 "Before and After" with a video in front of his closet. He was on Death Row as William "Spears" as Steven Williams..reenacting to Frank Hassle "castling" his doctrine on youtube..what happened between him and his friend's dad who was a cop (In an Al Hurt LA Trumpet Player Voice)..a Navy the Year 1991..shooting him in his own home

The IT Jobs. Right down the drain..and you'll never have to grow up..cotton candy and rides..and all sorts of surprises. Al Hurt LA Trumpet Player, equivalent..Cincinatti Conservatoire..think Jordi Molla(ster) as Diego..and Johnny Depp(akote) Blow....hiring a trumpet player for their house party..who's dad was a cop. La-Cost-Stanza-Line George. Every Kook is a Boston-Paris? Helen? Or Helmand's Mayo Bolognese
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Girl Scouts Across America. Babe Ruth


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