A One in a MILLION Morning Walk || England's Prettiest Village?!

Описание к видео A One in a MILLION Morning Walk || England's Prettiest Village?!

So, today we are out and about walking once more in the world famous Cotswold village of Bibury which is located in Gloucestershire, England. The village is located 6 1/2 miles (10.5 km) northeast of Cirencester.

Bibury is arguable one the most iconic tourist destinations in the Cotswolds and receives many-many thousands of visitors every year from all over the globe. The one attraction that really makes Bibury stand out is the world famous Arlington Row, which is a row of cottages originally built in 1380 as a monastic wool store and then converted in the 17th century to weavers cottages. Today, Arlington Row is managed and owned by the National Trust.

Besides Arlington Row, Bibury has other attractions including the Trout Farm.

Why such a bold title for this video? Well, simply because this morning walk is arguably a one in a million due to the very fact that for the entire duration not a single vehicle passed through the village (as far as I could tell) and also not one other person was encountered along the way, this is an incredible rarity in Bibury! Just a couple of hours after filming, coaches full of tourists were flocking into the village and it was crazy busy! Also the wildlife seemed to be the loudest I have ever heard in Bibury. Sadly though, the tranquillity was slightly marred by the man-made noise of an airliner in the distance, which is heard in the last 5 minutes or so of the walk.

There is just one hidden OAAW logo within this video!

Thanks for walking with me.

#england #cotswolds #englishvillage #walking #englishcountryside #bibury


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