AnDa Union 安达组合 - Buryatia 布里亚特(战马时代 stallion era)

Описание к видео AnDa Union 安达组合 - Buryatia 布里亚特(战马时代 stallion era)

蒙古语“安达”一词为结盟兄弟之意,是团结协作的精神象征。作为蒙古族音乐 与文化的传承者,成立于2001年的安达组合以实际行动实现着他们最大的愿 望——让纯正的蒙古族音乐继续丰满、让蒙古族文化走向世界。至今为止,安达 组合的足迹遍布30多个国家及地区。美国、英国、奥地利、澳大利亚、韩国、日 本、芬兰、新西兰、西班牙、蒙古、香港、澳门、台湾等地都留下了安达组合来 自草 原的美妙乐音。这一股清新的原生态蒙古族艺术之风,将吹向世界的每一个 角落。

AnDa Union is part of a musical movement that is finding inspiration in old and forgotten songs, drawing on a repertoire of magical music that had all but disappeared during China's recent tumultuous past. AnDa Union holds on to the essence of Mongolian music while creating a form of music sounds fresh and unique. AnDa Union combines different traditions and styles of music from all over Inner and Outer Mongolia, developing an innovative style previously unheard. The very existence of a music group like AnDa Union is new to Inner Mongolia:

“Our music draws from the traditions of all Mongol tribes unified by Genghis Khan. Each of comes from a different ethnic background and we all bring these influences into our music. There is a wealth of folk music for us to learn, and so far our repertoire of songs is like a drop in the ocean.”

The group describes themselves as music gatherers, digging deep into Mongolian traditions and unearthing forgotten music. They are on a mission to stimulate their culture and reengage young Mongolians, many of who have forgotten how to speak their own language. Singer and horse-head fiddle player Saihanniya is working hard to open a bar in the capital Hohhot, where she will promote music.
“I found an old golden wheel with half its spokes broken in an old dusty shop. It looks like a wheel that once turned the warrior carts of the great Mongol armies. I will hang this wheel in my bar as a warning to Mongolian people that our culture is broken and needs to be mended.” Bataar, the drummer, adds, “young Mongolians like us now understand how important our culture is but maybe the next generation won’t care. We have to prevent this from happening.”


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