Un fantástico bowl !!!! 😀 Torneado en madera. Woodturning. Bowl

Описание к видео Un fantástico bowl !!!! 😀 Torneado en madera. Woodturning. Bowl

Una madera que no deja de sorprenderme por su nobleza y versatilidad para generar diferentes tipos de piezas, tanto rusticas como delicadas.
Solo hace falta una idea y un trozo de algarrobo.
19cm de diámetro y 8cm de altura
#wooddesign #carob #wood #woodcraft #algarrobo #torneado
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Mail: [email protected]
Puede que mi forma de trabajar no sea la mas correcta, así que consulte, pregunte . Cuide su integridad física ya que no es tan simple como se ve el video. Use protección facial y barbijo.
A wood that never ceases to surprise me with its nobility and versatility to generate different types of pieces, both rustic and delicate.
All you need is an idea and a piece of carob.
19cm in diameter and 8cm in height
#wooddesign #carob #wood #woodcraft #carob #turning
I hope you like it, it's useful or entertaining at least.
If you like it, you can Subscribe to the channel, which would be a great help!!!
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Thanks for watching !!!
Mail: [email protected]
My way of working may not be the most correct, so consult, ask. Take care of your physical integrity since it is not as simple as the video shows. Use facial protection and mask.


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