
Описание к видео 【四種語言

粗口這個奇妙的「文化」,用得恰到好處可以為朋友聚會帶來很多歡樂,用得不當可以得罪人,今日作為會4種不同語言的代表,畢家四姊妹就同大家搞笑分享 #土生土語 同 #葡文 髒話用法,以及對被譽為「終極粗口語言」的廣東話看法!又是一集爆笑Episode~

"Swearing" is definitely an peculiar thing - when used appropriately it can be a fun conversation opening, but when used in the wrong situation it can become something extremely offensive. Today we have another fun episode for you where we talk about swear words in different languages, in particular Patua and Portuguese, as well as the KING OF SWEAR WORDS Cantonese!


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