Watering our sweet corn field with the Honda wx10ta and pump info

Описание к видео Watering our sweet corn field with the Honda wx10ta and pump info

We use a water tote and wx10ta to water our sweetcorn. Check out our other video to see how to connect your siphon hose to the IBC tote we use in this video.
8/4/23: Due to the wide disparity in sprinkler hoses, i.e., some squirt rather heavily and others not, even when buying the same exact hose, it is important to reorder the sequence of hoses on subsequent passes. In my field, I covered it completely 3 times and changed well-squirting hoses out for ones that did not put as much water out. This way the field is more evenly irrigated.
By the time the rains started up once again, the final tally was 6,210 gal hauled and pumped by this little pump without so much as a burp :-) Also, the HondaWX15ta weighs in at 20 lbs and is not contained in a cage but rather has a handle much like the WX10ta. It pumps at 72 gpm with no head. All pumps lose rate the greater the head. Honda publishes a graph showing what rate you can expect from your pump given the head distance.


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