TAMING THE JUNGLE!!! Rotary cutter vs. offset flail mower

Описание к видео TAMING THE JUNGLE!!! Rotary cutter vs. offset flail mower

With all the rain we've had in the past five weeks we were not able to get this field mowed down for hay. Now the weeds have taken over and it was time to mow them down before they seed out and ruin the entire field. Just know, this is not one of our premium fields, we just mow it for my wife's uncle because he does not want this hay. I started out doing a good chunk of it with the rotary cutter, but then came back up the next morning to go around the edges with the flail mower. I then started doing some more of the field that I didn't do with the rotary cutter and noticed, as you will see, the difference in cut quality between the two mowers. I hope you enjoy, please drop a comment and let me know what you think.



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