NJPW OnTheRoad : Kenny Omega #2

Описание к видео NJPW OnTheRoad : Kenny Omega #2


第12弾は2017年7月2日にロサンゼルスで行われた新日本プロレス初のG1 SPECIAL in USA興行で、初代IWGP USヘビー級王座決定トーナメントに挑んだケニー・オメガ選手を追いかけます。
2016年にG1 CLIMAXで外国人レスラーとして初の優勝を飾り、新日本プロレスに衝撃と新旋風を起こしたケニー・オメガ選手。2017年のイッテンヨンではIWGPヘビー級王者のオカダ・カズチカ選手と戦い、“過去最高の試合”と名高い激闘を繰り広げました。また対オカダ選手のタイトルマッチ“第2ラウンド”となった6.11のDOMINION大阪城ホールでは、一進一退の死闘の後60分時間切れ引き分けという衝撃的な展開を見せました。
今や全世界が注目するケニー・オメガ選手が挑む、新日本プロレス史上初の海外単独興行「G1 SPECIAL in USA」 、その舞台裏を濃厚独占インタビューと未公開映像満載でお送りします!

"OnTheRoad" is a documentary series featuring wrestlers from around the world and their NJPW experiences. Episode 12 features “The Cleaner” Kenny Omega at the G1 SPECIAL in USA at Long Beach, CA. We follow him as he strives to become the first IWGP US Heavyweight champion crowned in the title's inaugural tournament. There's no denying the huge impact Omega has made since becoming the first non-Japanese winner of the the G1 Climax last year. With impressive momentum, he continued to draw attention and praise both in Japan and around the world. Kenny Omega cemented his superstar status with his world-renowned title match against IWGP Heavyweight champion Kazuchika Okada on January 4th, 2017 at the Tokyo Dome. The world was rocked once more when the two pro-wrestling titans met in their sensational rematch on June 11 at DOMINION in Osaka. While victory slipped through his grasp once again, Kenny Omega displayed why he is considered a truly world-class athlete by battling Okada to a dramatic 60-minute draw. With the world watching, Kenny Omega now sets his sights on conquering a new challenge: the IWGP US Heavyweight championship tournament in Los Angeles. With interviews and behind the scenes footage, we document his continuing journey to etch his name into the history books.


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