Episode #31 – Samy Kamkar: A Hacker’s Quick Pivot to CyberSecurity

Описание к видео Episode #31 – Samy Kamkar: A Hacker’s Quick Pivot to CyberSecurity

This week, Digital Desperados takes a lighthearted stroll through the story of Samy Kamkar, a hacker who quickly found out that hacking isn’t a game. Remember MySpace? (Yes, it’s the “classic rock” of social media.) Back in 2005, teenage Samy created the “Samy Worm,” a harmless-yet-viral hack that declared him a hero on over a million profiles before getting him in major trouble with the Secret Service. Fast forward and Samy has become a cybersecurity trailblazer, exposing vulnerabilities in everything from RFID credit cards to IoT gadgets like drones and car systems.

Along the way, Samy’s work has revealed startling truths: your phone tracks you even with location services off, unsecured IoT devices are hacker gold, and even your USB charger could be spying on you. Hosts Jim, Patrick, and Brad discuss how Samy’s discoveries have pushed tech companies to up their security game—and why you should, too.

We echo Samy’s advice – don't wait around thinking you’ll never be hacked. Owning any device puts you in danger, and no, you don’t have to be rich or well-known. Get protected today with SaferNet VPN! ( https://www.safernetvpn.com )


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