Birkenstock | Stand Up Comedy By Rajasekhar Mamidanna

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Birkenstock | Stand Up Comedy By Rajasekhar Mamidanna

Hello.. Hope you are doing fine. I am fine too, thanks for asking. These days I think sometimes even when people ask how am I, I feel if I tell them the truth then they might not be fine, but that's fine because, all of us cannot be fine always but we do pay fine sometimes.

If a person pays fine always, then as a person he is not a fine person. But if a person never pays fine then we can call him a fine person. Whether a person is fine or not that doesn't define the person. What defines the person is how much caffeine he drinks. If you see, caffeine doesn't rhyme with fine, but that's fine because rhyming doesn't define me. Timing does. Time and rhyme wait for none. Fine and nine wait for nun. I think I will sleep now and wait for sun.

I really dont know where I am going with this. Because at the end of the day no one reads descriptions. That's fine too.

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