Stone Artisans | Mahabalipuram | Tamilnadu

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Stone Artisans | Mahabalipuram | Tamilnadu | Art Of Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram is a small town in Kanchipuram district of Tamilnadu. It is located 60 Km away from Chennai. Mahabalipuram is also called as Mahamallapuram. This place has a great history for its traditional historical monuments. Stone carving in Mahabalipuram is famous for its 7th and 8th century art and architecture of Pallavas period.
Mahabalipuram located 60 Km away from Chennai, is the main center for ancient stone carving. The Craftsmen belong to Viswakarma community which practices the craft. The carving style of this place is closer to the Kerala carving style as the region was once part of the state of Kerala. Red and black, white granites are available locally in Mahabalipuram. These stones are locally called as karuppu kal (black), Vellali kal (white). Granite is first stenciled and chiseled according to the determined lines. After carving the final product, the surface is smoothened and cleaned to achieve the shine luster. The products are the replicas of Hindu mythological epics. The rules of Shilpa Shastra are followed to carve granite stones. There are over 500 craftsmen involved in the carving.
The stone is turned into beautiful pieces of sculptures. Different types of traditional tools are used in stone carving process. Sometimes, the automated electric drills are used while making large sculptures. Types of Stone are classified according to the texture and nature of the stone. The carving technique varies as per the texture.
Rough granite stone is carved with heavy chisels, hammers and with automated tools. But for soft texture soapstone is easily carved by scooping.

Stones available in Mahabalipuram:
• Black granite.
• Red granite.
• White Granite.
• Soapstone.

List and Details of Tools and Materials:
1. Boiling water and chemical: These are used to treat the stone as it whitens outer texture of granite stone.
2. Chisels: Wide edged and point edged chisels- ‘Uli’ are used to carve the stone.
3. Hammer: It is used for hammering.
4. Sand paper: It is used to polish the surface of the stone.
5. Red oxide solution: The stencils are drawn on the surface of the stone using red oxide solution, before carving.
6. Palamunai uli: Chisel used to level the surface of the stone.
7. Water: Water is sprinkled continuously to avoid heat generation.
8. Oil: It is applied to the stone as it gives characteristic black color and smoother surface.
9. Cutting Machine: Different types of automated cutting machines are used to cut the bigger stone blocks.
10. Scales: These are used for measurement.

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