New York Marauders vs The Carolina Roaring Moon | BBR | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet LIVE Wifi Battles

Описание к видео New York Marauders vs The Carolina Roaring Moon | BBR | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet LIVE Wifi Battles

Week 8 of the BBR is LIVE. Your New York Marauders take on the Carolina roaring moon. Really cool logo too.

opponent:    / @ogalbina  

Become a member!:    / @drewby39  

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BBR Youtube:    / @breedjectsbattleroyale4004  

++Check Out All The BBR Coaches!++
Aimel:    / @aimel8846  
DDubble:    / @ddubble_  
Drewby:    / @drewby39  
DrSlaking:    / @drslaking  
GrandMasterD.Rey:    / @grandmasterdreyyt  
Greyvee:    / @greyveeedl  
JBear:    / @jesse504  
JRicky:    / @jricky8  
John JR:    / @johnjunior  
Keegan:    / @keeganrmtg  
KyleAye:    / @kyleaye  
Mountaih:    / @mountaih1833  
OGalbina:    / @ogalbina  
TRowePrice:    / @troweprice6674  
Vepsis:    / @vepsis  
GalvaNate:    / @galvanate  

More VGC:    • DRAGON Type Abomasnow!? | LIVE Wifi B...  

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