Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1003 | Hi-Lo | Providence, KY (Webster Co. Tornado Siren Test)

Описание к видео Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1003 | Hi-Lo | Providence, KY (Webster Co. Tornado Siren Test)

Copyright 2018 | Brandon Mendel (Please use with permission).
Originally Recorded 2/2/2018

This hidden gem is located at the Providence Emergency Services Building and, as you can see is mounted on a tower. Providence already has three sirens; two 2001s and a 3T22 on the far-east side of town. When we originally mapped the county, this was overlooked. The 2001s were found first, and the coverage seemed fine. So, when another siren enthusiast found this a few years back, everyone was shocked. The Evansville area has a lack of Thunderbolt sirens. You have to travel a few hours just to find one. So when this popped up, I was foaming.

Sadly, it took awhile to get a recording due to a variety of issues. I've encountered some fails, and sometimes the test was cancelled due to clouds. So eventually, I called the EMA before leaving, just to confirm they were testing. They said "yes". So I grabbed my cameras, tripods, keys, and drove off. When I arrived, I had doubts whether this would work, but once Noon hit, I was in for a loud surprise.

Enjoy, and as always comment, like, and subscribe for more. Thanks!

SoundCloud Link (For HQ Audio)

Social Media
Facebook: fb.me/youtubedsrx100
Twitter: @dsrx100 (  / dsrx100  )
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Siren Maps
Indiana State Siren Map: https://goo.gl/uz7LV5
Kentucky State Siren Map: (Work in Progress)


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