Bowling 2024 Tour MOMENT - GAME 11

Описание к видео Bowling 2024 Tour MOMENT - GAME 11

00:00​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Introduction

00:05 GAME Analysis

02:19 Analysis after the game

02:25 GAME Analysis

04:43 Analysis after the game

Oil Pattern: Johnny Petraglia 46 (L) & Marshall Holman 38 (R)
Steel City Bowl & Brews
1770 Stefko Blvd.
Bethlehem, PA 18017

Anthony Simonsen In the BAG:
【Roto Grip】X-CELL [RG:2.50- Diff:0.056- int. Diff:0.019]
【Roto Grip】Gem [RG:2.47- Diff:0.053- int. Diff:0.016]
【Roto Grip】Attention Star [RG:2.48- Diff:0.049- int. Diff:0.017]
【900 Global】Xponent [RG:2.48- Diff:0.042]
【Storm】IQ Tour 78/U [RG:2.49 - Diff:0.029]
Anthony Simonsen In the game USE: Attention Star、Gem

Jason Belmonte In the BAG:
【Roto Grip】Attention Star [RG:2.48- Diff:0.049- int. Diff:0.017]
【900 Global】Xponent [RG:2.48- Diff:0.042]
【Storm】Journey [RG:2.520- Diff:0.053]
【Storm】IQ Tour 78/U [RG:2.49 - Diff:0.029]
【Storm】IQ Tour [RG:2.49 - Diff:0.029]
【Storm】Virtual Energy Blackout [RG:2.48 - Diff:0.052 - Int. Diff:0.020]
Jason Belmonte In the game USE: Attention Star、IQ Tour 78/U、Virtual Energy Blackout、IQ Tour


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