Gemini New Moon- Fresh Alignment With Heart and Mind Now Lining Up, Pause To Hear Intuitive Guidance

Описание к видео Gemini New Moon- Fresh Alignment With Heart and Mind Now Lining Up, Pause To Hear Intuitive Guidance

The Gemini New Moon features a stellium of planets in this air sign, with the Sun, Moon, and Venus all conjunct at 16 degrees in your chart. Venus is highlighted as significant in this beginning point between heart and mind, as you may see more of what you want and value coming into focus. Strong Gemini energies bring up choices, ideas, and decisions to be made that can be both interesting and overwhelming. Mental fatigue may need to be managed, especially if a lot is going on and you feel ungrounded. The Sun, Moon, and Venus are all receiving a square from responsible Saturn in Pisces that wants you to slow down and use your intuitive guidance; think it through and consider how to responsibly communicate, express, or explain anything without moving too fast. More to share in this lunar chart video.

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~ 2024 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2024 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, powerful Venus energy in June, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Sedna in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Gemini, and more.

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~~ 50% off for a limited time: How To Read Your Progressed Astrology Chart – Discover the main astrology milestones and soul growth in this lifetime as Molly teaches you how to interpret your progressed astrology chart over a series of online classes. No coupon code required.

~~~~~ Beginner: Astrology 101 Course For Your Soul's Growth
Learn to interpret your natal chart in this on-demand course with 6 classes. More info here:

Molly McCord, M.A., has been studying and professionally practicing Western Tropical astrology for over 30 years. She is a bestselling author of ten books, professional intuitive astrologer, podcaster, business strategist, and modern consciousness teacher. Molly has a B.A. in Political Science and Women’s Studies, and a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy as a formal channel for understanding Global Consciousness with a Jungian perspective. With over 25 years of sales, marketing, business development, and leadership experience, Molly aims to support more entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, healers, and authors build their dream business in practical, solid ways.


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