I Install A Whipple Supercharger On My 2023 Silverado

Описание к видео I Install A Whipple Supercharger On My 2023 Silverado

Support Those Who Support The Garage

The Garage uses Frankenstein Engine Dynamics and the great products they offer on our builds:

For more tuning content check out our partner Elite Tuned School:
Check out the latest tuning courses and classes and don't forget to use code "goatrope" to save 5%

QA1 Motorsports: https://www.qa1.net/

Nitrous Express and Snow Performance:

Check out HP Academy for great tutorials around motorsport, wiring and tuning: https://bit.ly/3kobFJZ
Use Code GOAT75 for $75 off!

We use ICT Billet for brackets and more, the best prices for the highest quality American made parts:

Links and Merch

All Patreon members get early access to videos, special Patreon only videos, giveaways and merchandise. Tuner Tier Patrons gain one on one tuning assistance from the Garage, check it all out below:
  / goatropegarage  

Check out our merch store for all your GRG gear!

The Garage uses AEM wideband sensors/gauges, grab one below:

Get your own HP Tuners MPVI3:

Find the whole Tuning Series Playlist here:
   • HP Tuners 101, Tutorial Series  

Check out the Quick Tuning Tips Playlist here:
   • Quick Tuning Tips  

Business inquiries can reach us at: [email protected]
E-mails requesting tune support will be ignored, please use the Patreon for tune assistance.   / goatropegarage  

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