The Best Alibaba Alternative - much better website for fast ordering!

Описание к видео The Best Alibaba Alternative - much better website for fast ordering!

Sometimes you don't want the stress of ordering stock from Alibaba. It's not easy, it's time-consuming and a lot can go wrong. This website has a much more simple solution. It's basically just; click and buy, it's that easy. Ordering from china should be a breeze. I used this website growing up to get stock to sell on eBay and in school.

Day 72 - 100 Day Content Challenge
The 100-day content challenge is something I thought up a few weeks ago. It means having to post 3 pieces of content across 3 platforms for 100 days! Hard right?! Well, together Josh and I are going to try and accomplish this goal. Hopefully, you learn some awesome stuff along the way.
Here are all my social media accounts so you can follow the journey:
Instagram:   / shimmymorris1  
Twitter:   / shimmymorris  
Facebook:   / shimmymorris95  
LinkedIn:   / feed  

The CHEAPEST Print on Demand Step by Step Course On the Internet!:

🔥🔥New Here?🔥🔥
I’m Shimmy Morris, I’m currently 25 years old and I’ve been selling since I was about 12.
I started by selling in School, food, drinks, etc… I then moved on to eBay. I sold on eBay a lot till I was about 16, now I do it occasionally. During that time I did a lot of photography jobs and other little jobs here and there. I then went abroad to study for 6 months and after coming back I set up my first company. At age 18. I sold over $70,000 worth of t-shirts in a very short space of time on Teespring and then I decided to move to Amazon FBA. Now I do Coaching/consulting in Amazon FBA, I have quite a few courses, my main one being my Amazon FBA course. I also do a bit of photography and videography on the side as I absolutely love that!
I have done other stuff in between these bigger milestones too, but I feel like I’m boring you now. So, subscribe to my channel, check out some of the videos and remember to leave a comment so I can learn about you too.

#100daycontentchallenge #alibaba #dhgate


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