Santa Claus is Coming to Town - Beginner Guitar Lesson [Lots of FUN!]

Описание к видео Santa Claus is Coming to Town - Beginner Guitar Lesson [Lots of FUN!]

🎅🏼 Santa Claus is Coming to Town Guitar Lesson 🎅🏼

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Merry Christmas to all the Stellar Guitarists! In today's guitar tutorial I will be teaching you how to play Santa Claus is Coming to Town on the guitar!

What you will learn?
beginner friendly guitar chords
7th chords
2 strumming patterns
play along with me at the end :)

I post new guitar tutorials every week on Sundays, so turn your notifications on so you don’t miss a single upload! I just want to thank you guys so much for your support and for watching my tutorials! I hope you enjoy this guitar tutorial of Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

Follow me on:
Instagram:   / thestellarguitarist  
00:00 Introduction
00:22 Verse
07:57 Chorus
10:33 Play Along


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