Breeding Feeder Guppies for Turtles: Everything You Need To Know

Описание к видео Breeding Feeder Guppies for Turtles: Everything You Need To Know

I've been breeding feeder guppies and fancy guppies to feed my turtles and African clawed frogs for at least 8 years. When I wanted to learn how to breed guppies, I found that the herpetology community (reptile and amphibian keepers) often didn't have the info I needed. So I started learning from the aquarium folks and the "breed guppies for profit" folks. I've been learning best practices for breeding guppies from the guppie folks for a while and I figured it'd be helpful to condense it all down into one video for my herp friends. I hope you enjoy!

0:00 - how to clean an aquarium
1:26 - light, filter, heater, and substrate
2:13 - Water changes and water conditioner
4:00 - Aquarium Plants and fertilizer
5:10 - Snails and Amano Shrimp
6:28 - How to choose your breeder guppies
7:28 - 3 types of guppy food
8:40 - How guppies breed
10:22 - Using this breeding method on other fish


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