Defeats of my Favorite Movie Villains Part LXXIX (Birthday Special)

Описание к видео Defeats of my Favorite Movie Villains Part LXXIX (Birthday Special)

Happy Birthday to me!!!

23 years old demons!!!

Here it is! Like usual! My epic special birthday defeats of my favorite movie villains video, this time with my anti-nightcore challenge winner’s song!


Villains Quotes:

“That's one small step for man... one giant leap for me.” -Doctor Ivo Robotnik
“I'm gonna tell Mom and Dad everything. I'm even considering makin' up some shit!” -Chet Donnelly
“I love the Power Glove. It's so bad.” -Lucas Barton
“Stars die so we may live. We die so stars may be reborn.” -Karl Larson
“Disobey, and you die.” -ARIIA
“In a future reality I shall destroy you!” -Mestema
“If you come here without your sister, I just might have to cut off your heads.” -Jurgen the Brutal
“MAN. YOU ARE VIRUS.” -The Intelligence
“What’s my deal? My deal is to keep the trash out of the woods! Harry S. Truman enlisted me to protect the wildlife, scenic, and natural values of this mountain!” -The Ranger
“It is so good to see you all. Thank you for coming. When we come together, as we have throughout these difficult times, I have noticed something incredible...That's that there's nothing Westsiders can't do. We are strong. We are powerful. And we are... champions! Look at them. Two pieces of garbage, who think that the rules don't apply to them, that they can take whatever they want, whenever they want it. But here on the West Side, our home, you can't go around acting like that. So, I thought it'd be good for us to see what happens, to people who think they can live outside our system, who think they don't need us. Let's see what happens to those people. I want you to watch. And remember. Okay then. Let's begin You're up, Caine.” -Jeremy
“What else I want? I want to breed, procreate, to cover the world with my seed.” -The Mangler Virus
"I am beginning to question your loyalty to myself and the Party. You call yourself a patriot, yet where is the evidence? The German soldier was born out of necessity. Germany depends on the passion of these young men -- passion, and the readiness to fall for the fatherland despite the futile efforts of allied war profiteers who send their ill-prepared armies clumsily into the lair of the wolf! And only zealous men who stand steadfast in the face of the enemy will be etched in German memory forever. It is up to you to decide if you want to be remembered or disappear without a trace, like a pitiful grain of sand into a desert of insignificance! To put it plainly: get your shit together and sort out your priorities. You're ten, Jojo. Start acting like it." -Adolf Hitler
“We are leading the way in the greatest human advancement of all time. The technology running through his veins augments his strength, his reflexes, even his healing capabilities. He’s unlike anything we’ve seen before, and he’s entirely in our control.” -Dr. Emil Harting
“Friends. Brothers. Men of Gotham! I have funded you. I've protected you. I have scratched your backs just to keep you out jail. Now, it's time to say thank you. Go show those little bitches you don't mess with Roman Sionis!!!” -Roman Sionis/Black Mask
“You’re smart, but not smart enough on me. I can kill you in any timeline I want, and nothing will be able to stop me.” -Dr. Gregory Butler
“I'm a salvager, just like you. You collect ships, I collect souls. And when I filled my quota, I sent the boatload home. This will make management happy. You see it's a job, given to me after a lifetime of sin.” -Jack Ferriman

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