Western Bass VI medley 2

Описание к видео Western Bass VI medley 2

This medley is all Country/Western with no surf, which displeases me although I didn't think the surf tunes fit my arrangement. I also left in my squeaks and mistakes because we all make them and there's no shame in that. I will practice the next one more to of course produce as few as possible bunk notes but I also like being surprised when I listen to music.

Thank you everyone for being so supportive of the first BassVI medley video. It's my favorite instrument and I don't practice it enough.

#baritoneguitar #bassvi #westernmusic #countrywestern #fender #fenderdeluxe #fenderbluesdeluxe #squier #johnnycash #martyrobbins #buckowens #outlawcountry #sologuitar #solobaritoneguitar


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