Hands-on Introduction to Velero | Rawkode Live

Описание к видео Hands-on Introduction to Velero | Rawkode Live

In this episode, we'll get hands-on and teach you everything you need to know to start leveraging the awesome powers of Velero in your Kubernetes environments.

🍿 Rawkode Live

Hosted by David McKay / 🐦   / rawkode  
Website: https://rawkode.live
Discord Chat: https://rawkode.live/chat


🕰 Timeline

00:00 - Holding Screen
00:49 - Introductions
03:45 - What is Velero?
08:25 - Installing Velero
25:30 - Creating a Backup
58:00 - Restoring a Backup

👥 About the Guests

Carlisia Thompson

Carlisia Thompson has over a decade experience with building software systems. She currently works as a Senior Member of Technical Staff at VMware. She's a maintainer of the open source project Velero, a cloud native disaster recovery and data migration tool for Kubernetes applications. She is a CNCF ambassador, and currently hosts The Podlets podcast about cloud native technologies. Carlisia holds a MS in Computer Science from Boston University. She is frequently found dumping her amused thinking about tech on Twitter @carlisia

🐦   / carlisia  
🧩 https://github.com/carlisia
🌏 https://grokkingtech.io/

🔨 About the Technologies


Velero is an open source tool to safely backup and restore, perform disaster recovery, and migrate Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.

🌏 https://velero.io/
🐦   / projectvelero  
🧩 https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero


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