般若波羅密多心經 Heart Sutra - 黄慧音 Imee Ooi I 2003年《般若波羅密多 • 心經》專輯。

Описание к видео 般若波羅密多心經 Heart Sutra - 黄慧音 Imee Ooi I 2003年《般若波羅密多 • 心經》專輯。

黄慧音 - 马来西亚籍华裔,音乐制作,导演,作曲,编曲及唱诵者。一九九七年成立愿愿音乐,至今已发行超过五十张个人佛乐佛曲专辑。二十年以来,黄慧音创作了无数佛乐,在推广佛教音乐艺术文化的努力上,拥有非凡的成绩。近期开始活跃在佛乐艺术舞台的制作,策划和演唱。


黄慧音的音乐和歌声,似乎在宇宙穿梭流淌的智慧之音,不断的抚慰着人间。 来自世界各角落的乐友歌迷一直在扩大中:

从中国各大名山寺院道场到德国的音乐节; 从美国弘法大会到缅甸国家英雄的追悼仪式;
从印度古城的共修到韩国都市的音乐会; 从南非孤儿院的课室到欧洲的禅修班;
从新加坡忧郁症疗所到马来西亚监狱囚犯的心灵辅导; 从阿根廷山脉上的祷告到西藏法王的祈愿文;
从印尼火山丘寺院早晚课到纽约天主教堂911事件的纪念日; 从日本电影片尾曲到意大利小提琴制造名家的收藏等。

为建设真善美的世界和净化社会人心尽一份力, 是慧音发愿一生的耕耘和奉献。

Imee Ooi - Malaysian music producer, composer, arranger and vocalist.

Founder of IMM Musicworks in 1997, Imee Ooi has now released more than 50 albums of her own, and has produced countless musical works for Buddhist societies and organizations around the world.

A devout Buddhist, Imee’s serenely pure voice and unique sense of musical arrangements has established her own genre, spreading the sounds of Dharma through Sutras, Mantras, and free composition that has transcended religious barriers and touched different cultures and age groups. Her music has also travelled to Europe and Russia, US and Canada, Australia and Africa, soothing and calming many hearts.

Imee’s works have also been regarded as a significant milestone in the development of Buddhist music. With a wide range of composition sung in seven different languages, “The Chant of Metta”, “ Om Mani Padme Hum”, “The Great Compassion Mantra” , “ The Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra ” are among some of Imee’s most praised works. The composer and musical director of the musicals “Siddhartha”, “Above Full Moon- Master Hong Yi’s Biography ”, “Jewel of Tibet- Princess Wen Cheng ” and “ The Perfect Circle”, Imee is also the recipient for the Best Original Music and Music Director awards in the 2009 and 2010 Boh Cameronian Arts Awards musical theatre category.

To spread The Dharma through music has become the life destiny of Imee Ooi.

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