WEP/GPO & Healthcare News

Описание к видео WEP/GPO & Healthcare News

We have several important news items to cover in this week’s update. Mass Retirees members should look for today’s email news update for full details. Our focus this week is on WEP/GPO, important news on the GIC’s Wellpoint plan, our recent webinar with EO, and today’s Area Meeting taking place in Auburn. First, the all-out nationwide effort to pass full repeal of the Social Security WEP & GPO through the US Senate prior to adjournment on December 20th continues. While a vote has yet to be scheduled, we remain optimistic that a bill will be acted on within the remaining two weeks of the Congressional session. Retirees are urged to keep the pressure on your local US Senators to force a vote on HR82. We are also of aware of growing national opposition to full repeal of WEP/GPO, which appears to be spearheaded by a consortium of Washington, DC-based thinktanks including the Heritage Foundation, the Center on Budget and Public Policy, the American Enterprise Institute, the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Progressive Policy Institute, the Urban Institute and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget which has created an additional hurdle that must be overcome.

On the health insurance front, we received notice late on Wednesday that Springfield’s Baystate Health has decided to stop accepting non-Medicare patients enrolled in Wellpoint insurance plans. The contract dispute between Baystate and Wellpoint stems from the rejection of a price increase from the healthcare system that is reportedly three-times the rate of inflation. As we have reported, Mass Retirees believes that healthcare affordability is already in a state of crisis, with a growing number of retirees and employees unable to afford already sky-high prices. Every price increase has a direct impact on retirees’ costs. Non-Medicare Wellpoint enrollees, who are currently receiving treatment at Baystate Health, are advised to contact Wellpoint for further information.

Members may recall that Mass Retirees recently cohosted a webinar with EO on the Benefits and Risks of Medical Cannabis. A link to the webinar’s recording can be found in our weekly email update.

Finally, today marks our final Area Meeting of 2024. The meeting at the Auburn Elks kicks-off at 11:00 AM and is open to all Mass Retirees members.

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