Ranma AMV: Over My Head [For Ajwell82♥]

Описание к видео Ranma AMV: Over My Head [For Ajwell82♥]

Yes! I'm not dead! :P

This is my very late birthday present for ajewell82! I'm soooooo sorry I couldn't finish it earlier, right now I'm just happy I did it at all! This video was such a pain in the ass. But the song is awesome at least! :p hope you like it!

I totally adore this cover of the song, it just matches a completely different mood than the original one! However, I had to cut it a few times to keep most of the the "screamy"-parts out of it - They just ruined it for me.
[and thankfully, this way the vid got a little shorter :p]

I will do another video to all my subscribers once I find time to do so. Right now I'm just too busy, I hope you aren't mad. This again isn't as perfect as I imagined it to get xD it looked so differently in vegas *sigh*.
Still, I hope you all will like it :) ♥


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