Turkey becomes the largest producer of military equipment

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In a pivotal shift, the Middle East emerges as an arms exporter.

Historically reliant on outside powers for weapons, the region is developing its own arms industry
The Middle East and North Africa region is emerging as a significant arms-producing area, according to an overview of the arms industry by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) published on 1 November 2022.
The development marks a pivotal shift for a region that has historically relied on outside powers like Russia and the US for military acquisitions and build-ups.
While Israel has maintained its spot as the main arms exporter in the Middle East, countries such as Turkey and Iran have been positioning themselves as key producers.
Turkey was already the 12th largest supplier of major arms globally before the war in Ukraine. It has since shot to prominence by supplying Bayraktar TB-2 drones. like the Shahed-136, produced from commercially available component parts.
The rewiring of the arms trade in the comes as traditional superpowers reassess their ability and willingness to sell arms abroad.

The full news can be seen at the following link;
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