New Card Trick Technology! | Sleight of Hand Card Magic

Описание к видео New Card Trick Technology! | Sleight of Hand Card Magic

DISCLAIMER: I apologize if anyone really believed I used any technology, this was powered by performance and sleight of hand.
This is my performance and handling of a combination of two tricks:
Solvedzinser by Harapan Ong
Birds of a Feather by Paul Gordon
More notes in the Magician's Notes section below.

Also please check out all of my other sleight of hand magic performances on my Youtube channel in this Playlist!:
   • Nam's Sleight of Hand Magic Performances  

I also do live Twitch streams of interactive sleight of hand card magic shows on Sunday nights (U.S. Eastern Time Zone). Followers can use StreamerSonglist to request magic tricks! Give me a follow on Twitch!
  / krazee_aznnn  

#cardtrick #card_trick #sleightofhand #magic

Magician Notes
So the base of the whole trick is Solvedzinser, but throughout the trick, I intermix a bunch of different "setups" if you will for the final reveal which was mostly inspired by Birds of a Feather. One of the things that I can't easily do is the Ascanio Spread. I mean, I can do the mechanics of it, but it never looked great/natural. Lay people might give it a pass because "card magician" but I know card magicians would think it's SUS. So in the interest of keeping it looking good, I fall back to my solution for the Ascanio Spread (I've been secretly calling it the "Namscanio Spread"). If you look at my other performances that traditionally use the Ascanio Spread, I came up with an alternative that I use. So that is used here, interspersed with some really clever patter (I know, I'm so modest too) to break up the spread and add temporal misdirection. It also adds to the compelling nature of the narrative. I'll apologize for anyone ahead of time for revealing the 2 bits about the actual card technology that exists and the reveal of purchasing tricks and knowing what the reset time is. I also used some sleights that I am familiar with from Jack Parker's I Know Kung Fu, Ryan Plunkett's Ace on Top, and recent addition Impulse by Gnarlycardz. I also added an extra display that I now like to use for my newer performances of Four Burglars and Bluff Aces that I think adds an extra bit of a convincer. Yeah, so it's a little sleight-heavy, but I think this was a beautiful construction I cobbled together in a few days.

Title History:
New Card Trick Technology! | Sleight of Hand Card Magic


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