SMILING CRITTERS ANIMATION🌈 'HIDE AND SLEEP' (Poppy Playtime chapter 3 fan animation)

Описание к видео SMILING CRITTERS ANIMATION🌈 'HIDE AND SLEEP' (Poppy Playtime chapter 3 fan animation)

#smilingcritters #poppyplaytime #animation #poppyplaytimechapter3

Animated by INUbis
Directed & written by RecD & INUbis

🚫No reupload.🚫
If you want to do fandub of this cartoon, please ask first. -

Thank you everyone who enjoyed the cartoon, and all my wonderful VAs!💛 Special thanks to RecD for helping me on the cartoon AGAIN, It wouldn't have been as fun without you.
Thank you everyone again for waiting so patiently, I hope it was worth a wait! Promise I won't leave yall hanging for so long again!😎

🎀🦄Miss Delight and Craftycorn voiced by MLoreley -
🐥Kicken Chicken voiced by BobcatXtreme -
🐰Hoppy Hopscotch voiced by Hieifireshadow -
🐘Bubba Bubbaphant voiced by Cyan -
🐷Picky Piggy voiced by Grace Hartman -
🐻Bobby Bearhug voiced by SassMasterMickey -
🐶🐱Dogday and Catnap voiced by RecD - ‪‪@recorderdude‬

Music & BGM

Take the Test instrumental -    • Take The Test by RecD - Miss Delight,...  

Take a Rest instrumental -    • Take A Rest (Instrumental)  

Poppy Playtime chapter 3 OST - Cat's in the Bag
   • Poppy Playtime: Chapter 3 OST (23) - ...  

Poppy Playtime chapter 3 OST - The Last Generator
   • Poppy Playtime: Chapter 3 OST (10) - ...  

Poppy Playtime chapter 1 OST - Deep Sleep
   • Poppy Playtime OST (07) - Deep Sleep  

Poppy Playtime chapter 3 OST - Don't Wake the Angels
   • Poppy Playtime: Chapter 3 OST (06) - ...  

"My Banjo" by Cold Cinema -    • Western Travel Folk Acoustic Country ...  

no copyright music | cute cartoon background music (bgm, aesthetic, vlog)
   • Видео  

Music provided by 브금대통령
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Track : Lazy Morning
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Track : Dumb and Dumber -    • [Comic Music] 덤앤더머 | 하..킹받네..  

Track : 유랑단
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Music provided by 브금대통령
Track : Vinyl records -    • [브금대통령](레트로/스윙/Dance) Vinyl records [...  

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Track : The Sun is Always Shining on The Earth -   • [브금대통령](세미클래식/NewAge) 지구에는 항상 태양이 비추다...  


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