Soggy Summer!!

Описание к видео Soggy Summer!!

We have had an incredibly wet spring and now summer. It has delayed hay harvest, drowned out row crops and washed-out driveways. We have to plan around the weather even more than usual. The sheep and goats are doing well, and the pastures are producing well with all the rain. We have begun the weaning process. All the kids are weaned from the does and 4 of the ewes have been weaned. We put the moms in the very north field and woods when we separate them from the lambs and kids. They are out of ear shot so they can't hear each other. This has greatly reduced the stress of weaning for both the moms and babies. We have 3 ewes that do not have lambs on them. They will remain with the weaned lambs for a short time after all the lambs are weaned. They serve as a stabilizing influence for the lambs once their mothers are removed. We have a pair of Tree Swallows and a pair of Eastern Bluebirds using our nesting boxes. The Swallows have 5 babies and the Bluebird's have 3. So pleased to have these the first year. Thanks for joining us at Norwal Farm.

Michael Walsh and Roger Norgel
#kiko #farming #livestockguardiandog #sheep #sheepfarming #whitedorper #dorper #goatfarming


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