Tips From a Homeschooler: How To Work From Home With Your Kids Around

Описание к видео Tips From a Homeschooler: How To Work From Home With Your Kids Around

This is a replay from a Crowdcast webinar I gave on March 16, 2020 to help out parents who suddenly found themselves at home with kids around due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please share with anyone who you think might be in that situation.



Do you know a parent who has suddenly found themselves attempting to work from home with their little kids around?

It ain't easy, but it's not impossible.

I've been working from home since 2006 and have been homeschooling since 2010.

This means that I've had to come up with dozens of tactics over the years to stay productive and maintain a reasonable level of professionalism while my two crazy kids (and two dogs) played zombie tag in the next room.

Topics I to covered in this session:

Tips for chunking different types of work into different parts of the day
What to say to your kids when you REALLY need them to be quiet for an hour or two
Clever suggestions about where to go in the home to get certain things done
Tips for keeping kids from 3-10yo entertained without rotting their brains
What to do if you have a spouse/partner who is also working from home

Everybody's home situation is unique, so I'll also leave plenty of time for Q&A.

If I don't have an answer, maybe someone else on the call will have a suggestion.



P.S. Please share this with anyone who you think might benefit.


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