Lee interview with C.U.M.R (Cleveland. Underground. Music. Radar) vol.4 magazine With Suave Goddie

Описание к видео Lee interview with C.U.M.R (Cleveland. Underground. Music. Radar) vol.4 magazine With Suave Goddie

LEE From Da LAND... CUMR VOL 4... INTERVIEW.. @Eileenflemings #Hardworking #Talented #DopeArtist #Levelheaded LEEEETSSS GOOOOO!!!

#freakaleekalee #firstlady #lucky7hiphopseries #indalabwithripmixshow #216musicpromotions #doingwhatidobest
#exoticcusine #singer #songwriter #sensation

shout out to C.U.M.R Magazine Suave Goddie
DjjackdaRippa,Trapboi Manikin, Exotic Cuisine, My whole 216musicpromotions family and everyone who has been a major asset in my life. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity and allowing me to be myself and be creative and taking a liking in my craft. I truly appreciate you all. I love you, I mean it, bye!


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