Hospice vs Palliative Care: What's the Difference?

Описание к видео Hospice vs Palliative Care: What's the Difference?

A lot of people don’t want to talk about death and dying. Yet, talking about death doesn’t mean it’s going to happen, and it’s usually better to talk about it before it happens – for everyone involved.

Death and dying are something that a lot of people don’t have a lot of experience dealing with. That’s because over the past several decades, as a society, we have moved death out of the home and into institutions.

For some, the information I share in this podcast may be an intellectual conversation/ information) – for others, it may hit the heart. It’s one thing to listen to information about death and dying when you’re not right in the middle of it; compared to being in the middle of it and trying to learn more. Listening to and learning about death and dying can be harder when your heart is hurting.

Many of the most important things tend to range from education around what to expect, preparing by getting their finances straight, and getting advanced directives in order. Consider many things when preparing for the end of life— if you’re lucky enough to have time to do so.

In my experience, some people have the luxury of this time, and some don’t. Those whose loved one dies unexpectantly are upset because they didn’t have time to resolve unfinished business or get to a place of acceptance ~ compared to those families whose loved ones take months to weeks to ultimately die being upset that it’s taking so long for death to come because it’s emotionally exhausting.

In this episode of This is Getting Old: Moving Towards an Age-Friendly World, we will discuss end-of-life care— two different types of care; as well as the providers involved and the type of care provided.

Read the full article on the www.melissabphd.com/podcast-blog website.

#hospice #palliativecare

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