4 MUST-DO's when Running an eCommerce Instagram

Описание к видео 4 MUST-DO's when Running an eCommerce Instagram

Do you want to sell more products on your Instagram account?

Never fear! Manychat is here to help you improve your eCommerce business and convert more of your followers into paying customers.


0:00 Intro
0:12 A Game-changing Instagram Feature
1:00 The best Content type for Instagram Growth
1:49 How to Gather Contact Information from IG
2:35 How to do everything on Autopilot



How to Turn Instagram Followers into Buyers -https://manychat.com/blog/turn-follow...

How OlimpiaHome Boosted Leads by 30% by Using Instagram Automation - https://manychat.com/blog/olimipiahome/

How to Set Up Instagram Shop (& Tips for Selling on Instagram) -


If you want to learn more eCommerce tips for Instagram, make sure to register for IG Summit today!


Not using Manychat? Create an account for free!

These are social media marketing tips that experts like Gretta van Riel, Bruno Oliveira, Shopify, and other Instagram marketing pros recommend.

If you AREN'T following these tips, your business could be hemorrhaging money!

Get all your social media marketing, ecommerce marketing, instagram marketing, and more from Manychat.


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