手技TEWAZA「大阪金剛簾」Osaka Kongou Sudare/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square

Описание к видео 手技TEWAZA「大阪金剛簾」Osaka Kongou Sudare/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square

起源は飛鳥・奈良時代とされ、かつては将軍、大名、現在は皇居、神社、佛閣、教会の権威をあらわす 装飾としての御みす、夏に涼しさを招き、夏の風物詩として愛用され、発展し、江戸時代後期に産地が形成された。天然の竹の素材を生か した優雅で格調高い簾は、日本的な風流さを備えている。

Tondabayashi City and environs, Osaka Prefecture
The origin of Osaka-kongo-sudare is believed to date back to the Asuka and Nara period Once misu blinds (sudare with borders) were used for the shogun and feudal lords as a symbolic decoration of authority while at present it is hung in Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples as well as the Imperial Palace Sudare blinds were for use in common homes, and have become an indispensable furnishing for summertime. The production center was established here toward the end of Edo period Sudare made of thin squared strips of bamboo reveals the Japanese sense of esthetics.


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