Cases: Locative for Months

Описание к видео Cases: Locative for Months

I will teach you the months of the year, explain briefly where their names came from and we will have a look at how their forms change when we put the preposition "v" - e.g.: in January - v lednu. If you watched my previous video about the locative case, this will be a piece of cake for you!
If you are not sure about the correct ending of a noun, you can check it on this website:

💼 Are you enjoying my grammar videos? You can check out my new e-Book Just in Case, which is packed with a lot of knowledge but also lots of encouraging words. Find out more information here:

0:00 Introduction
0:57 Months in their base form and etymology
3:43 How to use months with the preposition "v" (v + locative)
7:38 How to pronounce v: [v] vs. [f]


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